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Client: Monmouthshire Council Duration: June 2014 - August 2015 Cost: £4.5m Procurement: JCT Design & Build procured through the SEWSCAP framework Designers: Boyes Rees Architects.

Raglan CiW VC Primary School

Project Description

Client: Monmouthshire Council Duration: June 2014 - August 2015 Cost: £4.5m Procurement: JCT Design & Build procured through the SEWSCAP framework Designers: Boyes Rees Architects.

Raglan CiW Primary School was procured through the SEWSCAP framework to meet the 21st Century New Schools programme and built for integrated learning experiences. The project consisted of the design and construction of a new primary school to replace the existing school in Raglan, which was well-needed.

Situated on an adjacent parcel of land the project comprised the construction of a single-storey steel-framed building.

New grass playing field, hard surface MUGA and external play areas, amphibian area and wildflower garden, staff & visitor parking space and bus pull-in areas. The new school featured innovative teaching practices with plazas, and large open-space classrooms, which include two year-groups of 60 children with large bi-fold doors allowing the outside to come inside and provide additional external teaching space.