Langstone Construction are hiring – more

Client: Crown Student Living Duration: Construction Phase - 62 weeks Cost: Construction Phase - £21m Procurement: JCT 2016 Design & Build Designers: AWW Architects. JUBB Engineers

Crown Place, Cardiff

Project Description

Client: Crown Student Living Duration: Construction Phase - 62 weeks Cost: Construction Phase - £21m Procurement: JCT 2016 Design & Build Designers: AWW Architects. JUBB Engineers

Crown Student Living tasked us with redeveloping and extending an exis ng 1960s city centre office building on St Andrews Place, Cardiff. The project comprised 378 purpose-built managed student beds with a mix of individual and double studio rooms.

Aligned with associated communal student spaces including a gymnasium, cinema, and individual and group study rooms in addition to external private amenity space, the existing concrete framed building was partially demolished and replaced with a steel frame and in-situ concrete deck adding 4 new floors.


  • Constrained site with restricted access
  • Conservation area
  • Sensitive neighbours – public house and nursery school
  • Challenging programme
  • Sub-contractor failure
  • Existing building tolerances