Langstone Construction are hiring – more

Client: Crown Student Living Duration: Construction Phase — 60 weeks Cost: Construction Management Cost - £3.8m
Construction Cost - £55m
Procurement: Construction Management Services Contract Designers: ECE Westworks Architects
Meindhart Engineers

Crown Place, Swansea

Project Description

Client: Crown Student Living Duration: Construction Phase — 60 weeks Cost: Construction Management Cost - £3.8m
Construction Cost - £55m
Procurement: Construction Management Services Contract Designers: ECE Westworks Architects
Meindhart Engineers

Construction of a purpose-built student accommodation facility housing 638 students in a mixture of studio & ensuite high-quality rooms with shared kitchens and social spaces.

The modern facility includes private dining and quiet study rooms, a karaoke and cinema room, a gymnasium, a games room, a social study and a retail area.

External hard and soft landscaping with dedicated bicycle storage.

Working closely with the client we achieved partial occupation in September‘22, allowing over 300 students access and occupation to study in a vibrant location overlooking Swansea Bay.