Langstone Construction are hiring – more

Client: McClaren Group & PMG Cost: £18.5m Procurement: JCT Design & Build Designers: HMA Architects. JUBB Engineers

Fitzalan Court, Cardiff

Project Description

Client: McClaren Group & PMG Cost: £18.5m Procurement: JCT Design & Build Designers: HMA Architects. JUBB Engineers

Originally an office building built in the 1980s, the scheme comprised the development of 224 student and graduate residential accommodation units, being a mixture of individual studio units and 2-bed studio units.

Using the existing building configuration and layout proved challenging to efficiently use the space and also construct.

Requiring close communication and working with Cardiff Council Highways to provide a road closure on one of Cardiff’s busiest roads, which without, would not have been possible to complete the scheme.


  • City centre site – busy main road
  • Restricted site access
  • Storm Angus – flooded building
  • Existing structure
  • Logistically challenging
  • Challenging programme
  • Complex layout